Thriving, Not Just Surviving

Trust, one of the 5 Principles of Resilience, plays a critical role in withstanding adversity. It is built through experience and communication, not only on individual levels, but on the part of leaders and larger organizations as well. Starting a conversation about stress and the value of seeking help encourages people to feel comfortable discussing … Continue reading Thriving, Not Just Surviving

“Thrive in your Community” – 2013 Navy Suicide Prevention Month

Suicide prevention goes beyond training people to recognize risk factors, warning signs or what to do in a crisis. You may not realize it, but suicide prevention happens every day when you do something kind for someone who didn’t expect it, or just take the time to actually listen to someone when you ask how … Continue reading “Thrive in your Community” – 2013 Navy Suicide Prevention Month

Poor Leader Communication: An Increasing Source of Stress for Everyone

“Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.” – Pubilius Syrus Since 2009, the Operational Stress Control program has been looking at the causes of stress in our Fleet. Some of the usual ones pop up: time away from family; not enough trained people to do the job; long work hours pre- and … Continue reading Poor Leader Communication: An Increasing Source of Stress for Everyone

What’s in a Word? How we Talk About Suicide

At some point as a child, an adult probably told you “it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it,” or “actions speak louder than words.” Those phrases take on new meaning when we’re discussing the topic of suicide. Openly discussing suicide is beneficial for prevention, intervention and postvention. It sends the message that … Continue reading What’s in a Word? How we Talk About Suicide

Suicide Prevention Awareness…Beyond September

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month—but we must maintain healthy lives year-round. Long before suicidal thoughts occur, feelings of hopelessness, irreversible failure and/or a lack of belonging set in. Those thoughts may overshadow our perception of our own strength and evolve into a struggle that seems increasingly difficult to overcome. That’s why—not only as Sailors, … Continue reading Suicide Prevention Awareness…Beyond September